About Us
The Mental Health Moment's main goal is to bring awareness to mental health. Each of us has a unique journey; there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another. Sometimes it’s not one approach or another—it could be a combination of many or none at all. There is no step-by-step manual for mental health, but together, WE BELIEVE WE CAN CREATE opportunities for our community to impact all generations.

Breaking the Stigma and Building Community
Shining a Light
on Mental Health
The Mental Health Moment is dedicated to bringing mental health into the spotlight—a big, bold spotlight, like one on the Vegas Strip! We aim to share real personal experiences and diverse perspectives, create an authentic community, offer opportunities to share different experiences, provide resources, and foster learning and growth. Mental health touches all aspects of our lives. The time is now to change the stigma attached to mental health.
Mental health growth and healing is a continual, daily work in progress. The work is never done; each moment prepares you for the next. A great example I recently heard was, “Healing takes time, this isn’t Amazon Prime.” There’s no quick fix. It takes effort to unlearn old habits, be open to change, and learn new things. Be gentle with yourself and others, and keep in mind that each of us learns and processes life differently. Please don’t compare your mental health journey to anyone else’s. It’s a trap that is, unfortunately, so easy to fall into. Stay determined to find and live your truth daily. There will be times when you feel uncomfortable and want to revert to your “old ways” because it’s familiar and comfortable. Even through the suffering, there is beauty to be aware of and growth that comes with each moment.

The Mental Health Moment is here to remind you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE ON YOUR MENTAL HEALTH JOURNEY! Our goal is to use this space to uplift ourselves and others. It’s a place to understand and empathize with what others are going through. A space for vulnerability and healing, for the good and bad times, hard days and amazing days, setbacks, and growth. Together, we have the ability to change lives with each interaction. You may never know whom you impact, but you will know that you have the power to make an impact anywhere and anytime. It takes a ton of courage and bravery to become aware of your mental health and the mental health of those around you. Love yourself and love others always, in all ways.
Let’s move forward together!
Meet Our Team
Our Founder & CEO
Melissa Atwell

Melissa’s intention with this platform is to create a safe space for herself and others to express their views and experiences, and to learn and grow together. She wants to remind everyone that they are not alone on their mental health journey.
"Be true to yourself and keep going!"
Melissa, a 31-year-old Vegas-born and raised Millennial, is married to her best friend and has two beautiful children. Her mental health journey began at 19, though she wasn’t aware of it at the time. While working at a Vegas casino, she started experiencing out-of-body sensations, feeling like she was watching herself spiral and had accepted living that way. Several people, at different times, approached her to express concern, noting that she didn’t seem like herself and appeared to be neglecting her well-being. Some comments were kind and loving, while others were blunt and hurtful. One specific incident stood out: a manager, in front of others, harshly pointed out that her neglected toenail polish was a sign she didn’t care about herself.
Feeling like she had hit rock bottom but unsure of what to do, Melissa believed she needed to “fix” herself to keep her job and avoid judgment. She decided to seek help from a psychiatrist and a therapist, giving each one a single chance. At that time, therapy and medication weren’t discussed positively. The psychiatrist asked general questions and prescribed medication, scheduling a follow-up in a month. Melissa then had her first therapy session, but she quickly decided it wasn’t for her, as she had no interest in answering the deeper questions posed. She was more interested in the quick fix she believed medication would provide, thinking it would make her what everyone else wanted her to be.
Growing up, emotions were not discussed or acknowledged in her family, though they were certainly felt. The primary form of communication was yelling, and Melissa’s emotional state was unconsciously pushed deep inside her. This suppression led to reopening many old wounds later in life. She felt the need to be strong for everyone, taking on others’ emotions to help them feel better, which ultimately caused her to lose herself as she prioritized everyone and everything else. Melissa became the image others wanted her to be, conforming to societal expectations regarding her appearance, career path, and family role. At 31, she feels like she’s meeting herself for the first time.
Our Board Secretary
Andi Tinnell

Andi, a 27-year-old Vegas native, began her health journey in her early 20s, and it has been a wild ride ever since. Initially, she was focused on figuring out what was wrong before any healing could begin. She knew she had low self-esteem, slight anger issues, and waves of anxiety and depression.
Andi felt she couldn’t talk to anyone about her issues without feeling ridiculed, which added to her depression. Interestingly, despite feeling this way, she also found herself unable to stop talking, something that bothered her immensely.
In February 2022, Andi and her husband received the exciting news that they would become parents. She was 5-6 weeks along, and both were thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to become parents together. However, just 3-4 weeks later, they learned their baby would not be coming home. The doctor diagnosed them with a blighted ovum, where the fetal pole never develops in the gestational sac. This condition could be due to genetics, a hormonal issue, or other factors. They were devastated and struggled to cope with their loss.
Despite this trauma, Andi knew she needed to find a way out of her depression and anxiety. She decided to take her spiritual journey more seriously, incorporating discipline and focus into her life. This shift in mindset greatly improved her motivations and headspace. Yoga became a significant part of her life, along with the study of astrology and the universe. These practices helped her identify and work on parts of herself that needed healing and confront past traumas.
Throughout this journey, Andi’s husband has been a tremendous support. He taught her patience, healthy eating, money management, and effective communication, both personally and professionally. Andi feels that her husband has played a crucial role in shaping who she is today.
Andi’s life has transformed as she has learned to speak her truth and change how she treats herself. While she acknowledges she’s not 100% there yet, she is making significant progress. Her health is improving, she’s discovering her spiritual views, and she’s taking daily actions toward becoming a happier and healthier person.
Director of Resources
Stephanie Hymas